
Showing posts from 2016

Some Links to be referred:

Text Analytics Using R - Part C: Extraction of Samsung S4 white reviews from and Amazon. India

Hi Folks!! Welcome to the 3rd part of the series where we would be extracting the reviewers name , date , rating and review for the product galaxy s4 The given below is the code to extract for the .com and .in and combining them into the new datafile Code: --library(RCurl) --library(XML) --library(rvest) --init <- "  reviews/B00CL4HXQC" --crawlCandicate = "ref=cm_cr_pr_btm_link_" --base <- "" --num <- 3 --doclist <- list() --anchorlist <- vector() --j <- 0 --while(j<num){ -- if(j==0){ --doclist[j+1] <- getURL(init) -- } else{ --doclist[j+1] <- getURL(paste(base,anchorlist[j+1],sep = "")) -- }  --  doc <- htmlParse(doclist[[j+1]])   --anchor <- getNodeSet(doc,"//a") # capture all the 'a' tags which contains all the    --anchor <- sapply(anchor,function(x) xmlGetAttr(x,"href"))  ...

Text Analytics Using R - Part B: Extraction of reviews of movie martian from imdb website

The main aim of this blog is to understand how to extract movie reviews of martian from IMDB website.  IMDB website is very famous for rating of the movies Again the pattern followed here -- which means start of the code 1) - -library(rvest) --library(RCurl) --library(XML) --library(dplyr) The main aim of  the above mentioned code is to load the above libraries . RCurl and XML rvest -  Wrappers around the 'xml2' and 'httr' packages to make it easy to download, then manipulate, HTML and XML.(Ref: Dplyr package:A fast, consistent tool for working with data frame like objects, both in memory and out of memory.(Ref: 2) --init <- "" --crawlCandicate <- "reviews\\?filter=best" --base = "" --num = 10 --doclist = list() --anchorl...

Text Analytics Using R - Part A: Extraction of reviews of galaxy s4 product reviews in flipkart

Hi Folks!! This is my first blog in the series where I would love to share my experimentation with text analytics using R.. The initial 3 parts we would concentrate our efforts towards scrapping or extraction of reviews of samsung s4 product from the flipkart. We would be understanding the code bit by bit to get a hang of it and make it simpler to follow for a novice who is just enticed and want to start afresh here. When I am starting with -- this means R code  1) R is an open source platform and in case you want to have added functionalities you load the library --library(RCurl) --library(XML) RCurl:    Provides functions to allow one to compose general HTTP requests and provides convenient functions to fetch URIs, get & post forms, etc. and process the results returned by the Web server.  ( Ref: XML:This collection of functions allow us to add, remove and replace children from an X...

Visualization Blog 11: How to add controls over the Candle Barstick Charts

Vizualyse PK

Visualization Blog 10: To work on the quandl data

Hi Folks!! The world is getting more interesting with the ways we are experimenting with the data visualization. The journey started with the tableau followed by qlikview and now in google charts. The purpose of this blog is to make the candlestick chart on the stock prices of Tata Steel downloaded from Quandl website. Quandl is an interesting source of the data where we can download the stock prices of various companies listed under NSE. The other databases are premium and can be accessed only after we pay certain amount of money. It is a same old story. Lets get to the point. The reference of java script code is "". Google Chart Example

Visualization Blog 9 :

The Dashboard on this blog Data Source

Visualization Blog 7: To create a dashboard with google charts

Hi Folks!! We are back the main aim of this blog is to create a simple dashboard  showcasing the states with the hindus and buddhists count. However we are focusing on making the barchart for the same. 1) The sheet is "" 2) the respective columns are A, B and F 3) The headers are 1 4)The columns are from A1 to I31 Basic Column Chart Showing All Data Data Source

Data Visualization Blog 6: Map the addresses of DPS(Delhi Public School) in Delhi ;p

Hey .... I am planning to work on an interesting piece mapping the dps addresses in google maps in Delhi Area. The referance has been taken from my professor's blog "".

Data Visualization Blog 5: How to plot the religion stats of India on the map through google charts

Data Visualization Part 4: Plotting Cities in a map

As part of learning continues we would plot the cities in the google map. The exercises mostly have been taken from and Interesting Isn't It? We have a data that contains the number of registered vehicles in different years Steps to be followed: 1) The doc link is where the shet is CityWise 2 and range is identified by sheet = CityWise2 2) The range is identified by range = B2:M23

Data Visualization Blog Part 3:Part A To select a particular range of data from the google docs

The part 2 was a simpler example to create a chart on the google doc where we could manipulate the data as per our whims and fancies.  In reality the situation is quite difficult as the client google doc or even yours can have a huge amount of data. We need to manipulate the code to select a range of data We are running a series of two subparts of this blog Part A and Part B.  Part A I have taken reference entirely from the prof blog ""  In this we need to look at the chart based on the following selection of the data  1) Data to be picked up from sheet named "Demo3"  2) Within this sheet, from the range C3:I23  3) Within this range from the columns C, D, G, H 4) Given the nature of the data we would like to multiply column G by 1000 before it is plotted # Sheet 2 Chart - Sheet, Range, Cols

Data Visualization Part 2: How to access the data from the google Docs and create a pie chart

In this part we are able to access the data from the google docs.Please refer the ink for the same The changes you make would be updated in the blog. This is better in blog part 2 for data visualization compared to the blog part 1. Here compared to part 1 I have changed the width to 800 and height to 1200 Data from a Spreadsheet

Data Visualization Tool using the Google Charts :How Much Pizza I Ate Last Night

This blog is a part of series I am starting to give you an insight into the beautiful world of story boarding with data. In this we would be using the google charts platform to create a simple chart First lets look into a simple pie chart that can be build  using the google charts. How Much Pizza I Ate last Night Interesting the catch here is not to eat pizza but to show a simple pie chart containing the ingredients While creating the blog we have a html option  the java code is written there and the article is published and here i can put some text